Unlocking Connecticut Interview with Batcher Jack

March 16, 2020 seems like a lifetime ago, but it was the day Litchfield Distillery started to set up production for hand sanitizer. A few days later, our distillery was flooded with anxious customers requesting bottles. For weeks and months, the demand was overwhelming and our efforts landed us on many local newscasts and national newspaper articles.
While it was hard and demanding work, we are grateful we found a way to help folks in need during the COVID-19 crisis. We’re also very fortunate that we were able to diversify our production at a time that many other distilleries have gone under due to the closure of bars and restaurants. As bars and restaurants reopen (albeit with social distancing, masks and vaccination required signs on the windows), we can hopefully move back to distilling our customer’s favourite drinks again.
In the meantime, we have made use of our distillery equipment to produce thousands of gallons of hand sanitizer and estimate we donated over 75,000 6-ounce bottles. Along the way, appreciative recipients of our hand sanitizer donated over $40,000 to benefit FISH NWCT in Torrington.
Our friends Bev & Lora from Unlocking Connecticut invited Batcher Jack Baker to sit down for a “socially-distant” interview to look back and reflect upon all that was done and accomplished. We appreciate the opportunity.
Litchfield Distillery continues to donate hand sanitizer in 6-ounce bottles to individuals in need. The bottles are offered on the honor system and available under the Litchfield Distillery tent in our parking lot. We also sell a Half-Gallon bulk size for $24.95 to businesses and individuals that require more. This can be purchased at the distillery store or via our Curbside Pickup program.
We are grateful for the community’s support throughout Operation Hand Sanitizer. It was a great example of the community coming together to help each other. Let’s cross our fingers that COVID-19 remains under control in Connecticut.
Be safe. Be Smart. Don’t Spread It.