Introducing Small-Batch Cocktails

Litchfield Distillery is proud to announce the launch of our new Small-Batch Cocktails featuring the classic drinks, Manhattan and Old Fashioned. Each are hand-crafted with the finest ingredients we could find and showcase our award-winning, high-rye Straight Bourbon Whiskey. These cocktails are bottled at “full proof” cocktail strength so all that is required is to chill with ice and add a garnish, if you so choose.
The Old Fashioned was our late father’s favorite cocktail, so we worked really hard to perfect the recipe to ensure it would live up to his legacy. He made his Old Fashioneds with bourbon, not rye, so that’s the direction we took. Made with our Straight Bourbon, simple syrup and bitters, it’s perfectly balanced, full of flavor, with just the right amount of sweetness. We are extremely pleased with the final recipe and customers seem to agree–we’ve been getting great feedback since its launch. It’s bottled at 80 proof in our standard 750ml bottles.
“Our father, Henry Baker, used to love to critique the Old Fashioneds he would order at a bar,” recalls Litchfield Distillery co-partner, Peter Baker. “He could tell just by looking at the cocktail if he was going to like it. He would often say to the bartender, ‘That looks good, you know what it looks like? It looks like I’ll be having another one.'”
The Manhattan small-batch cocktail also features our Straight Bourbon Whiskey along with a specially-selected sweet vermouth and bitters. We honed the recipe to invite slight bitterness and herbal undertones, without too much sweetness. We wanted to account for the fact that many customers would add Maraschino Cherries to their poured cocktail, which will increase the overall sweetness level. The result is a multi-dimensional flavor experience that evolves from palate to finish in a most satisfying way. It is bottled at 75 proof.
Our new Small-Batch Cocktails are available for sale at the Distillery Store and many retail locations that carry Litchfield Distillery spirits. You can purchase via our Curbside Pickup program as well. Suggested retail price is $44.95.