Celebrating Litchfield’s 300th Anniversary

It’s a big year for Litchfield, Connecticut. 2019 marks the town’s 300th Anniversary! In honor of this milestone, we proudly announce the limited release of a very special commemorative bottle: Litchfield Whiskey.
Litchfield Whiskey is distilled from 100% Litchfield County Corn. It has been aged for four years in one of our retired bourbon barrels. Corn whiskeys are not always aged for long periods of time, but our extended resting period created a very smooth and flavorful spirit that highlights earthy, oaky flavors balanced by sweet caramel and vanilla notes.
Only 300 bottles have been produced. A limited quantity are for sale at our Distillery Store, with the majority being distributed to retailers in the Litchfield, Connecticut area. It will retail for $47.99.
You might notice that our Batchers’ icon is a bit different on this label. Instead of employing our traditional “barrel roller,” we dressed him up in revolutionary gear and illustrated him pushing a canon, in honor of the canon that currently rests on the Litchfield Green.
This revolutionary version of our icon is also available as a t-shirt, which can be purchased online or at the Distillery Store for $20.
We created these limited items to honor the settlers that established the town of Litchfield 300 years ago. Their grit and determination broke the hardscrabble ground and produced grains that fed their livestock and families. Some of this bounty made its way to copper-pot stills that yielded fine spirits. A reward for their Spirit of Hard Work®.
For more information, please call Litchfield Distillery at 860-361-6503.